Januray Pick 3 Linky

This month I'm highlighting 3 projects or ideas that I plan to do with my students when they come back. I have talked in the past about how my students need to work on both language skills and build their sight word and word work knowledge.

 Before going to Christmas Break, I took some time and broke about all their running records. I looked at the errors they made as well as looking at the average errors made across all the running records I made for each reading level. So, my student reading at 10s--I looked at his errors, his error average since starting 10s, and an average of how long it took him to read 10s. I then asked myself why he was doing what he was doing. After all that I created a plan and a SMART goal for January. I normally don't plan out what books a student is going to read since with Guided Reading  I let the reader determine the path we take each week. But in this case because I set a SMART goal to more each student a reading level by the end of the month, I'm creating a plan for the month and hoping students blow the goal out of the water.

The first thing I created for each of the students is a Word Work/Sight Word Folder. I love this idea because I can create different folders for each student. I have two students in a reading group that are on two very different places when looking at needs and reading levels. Using folders will allow me to easy for me to differentiate for the students. This will also help build a readers stamina. Even though the pinner uses the folders to organize Words Their Way (my schools doesn't use) but I was able to take the idea and create word work folders for my students.

So what do I put inside of my folders for my students. In this case, I went back to my running records and looked at the errors they were making. Though they are at different reading levels, the error patterns were more or less the same--sight words and vocabulary. Like the one below, I used a circle map and the vocabulary from each book. I created maps specific to the book, so that my students could cut out the pictures and place them on the circle map.

 For sight word practice I created a play on this read, stamp, and write to help students work on sight words instead. We don't use Houghton Mifflin and have a building wide sight word list that they need to master. Each list has been tailored to each student to focus on the ones they need to learn.

I hope you find one of these ideas as something you can take and use in your class. Be sure to take a look at the others who have linked up.

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I hope you find something you can take back and use in your classroom with your students. Have a great week.


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