What is Phonics Instruction?
Phonics instruction is a crucial component of early literacy education, serving as a bridge between the spoken and written language. Recognized for its significance by the National Reading Panel (NRP), phonics instruction has been shown to play a pivotal role in helping children develop the skills necessary to read and write effectively.
What is Phonics Instruction?
Phonics instruction teaches children the relationship between letters (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes). It is a methodical approach that helps learners understand how to decode words by sounding them out, which is essential for reading and spelling. Phonics instruction typically includes teaching the following elements:
Alphabetic Principle: Understanding that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken language.
Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and manipulating phonemes, the smallest units of sound.
Letter-Sound Correspondence: Learning which sounds correspond to which letters or groups of letters.
Blending: Combining individual sounds to form words.
Segmenting: Breaking down words into their individual sounds.
Decoding: Using knowledge of letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words.
Phonics instruction can be delivered through various approaches, including synthetic phonics (teaching how to convert letters into sounds and blend them to form words) and analytic phonics (analyzing whole words to detect phonetic patterns and then applying them to new words).
The Importance of Phonics Instruction
The National Reading Panel's 2000 report highlighted phonics instruction as one of the five critical components of effective reading instruction, alongside phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. Here’s why phonics instruction is so important:
Foundation for Reading and Spelling
Phonics instruction provides the foundational skills necessary for reading and spelling. Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds enables children to decode new words, an essential skill for fluent reading.
Improves Word Recognition
By learning phonics, children can recognize familiar words quickly and accurately. This automatic word recognition is crucial for reading fluency and comprehension, as it allows children to focus on the meaning of the text rather than on decoding individual words.
Enhances Reading Comprehension
Phonics instruction supports reading comprehension by enabling children to read words effortlessly. When children can decode words automatically, they can dedicate more cognitive resources to understanding and interpreting the text.
Supports Spelling Skills
Phonics instruction helps children understand the predictable patterns of spelling in English. This knowledge is essential for writing and spelling new words accurately.
Helps Struggling Readers
Research has shown that systematic phonics instruction is particularly beneficial for struggling readers and those with reading disabilities. It provides a structured approach that can help these children develop the skills they need to become proficient readers.
Current Research on Phonics Instruction
Since the publication of the NRP Report, further research has continued to support the importance of phonics instruction in reading development. Key findings from recent studies include:
Systematic Phonics Instruction
Systematic phonics instruction, where letter-sound relationships are taught in an organized and sequential manner, is more effective than non-systematic or incidental phonics instruction. This approach ensures that all essential phonics skills are covered and that children have a solid foundation for reading.
Long-Term Benefits
Longitudinal studies have demonstrated the long-term benefits of early phonics instruction. Children who receive systematic phonics instruction in the early grades show better reading outcomes in later years compared to those who do not receive such instruction.
Phonics and Socioeconomic Status
Research indicates that phonics instruction can help close the reading achievement gap associated with socioeconomic status. Children from low-income families who receive systematic phonics instruction show significant improvements in reading skills, highlighting the importance of equitable access to effective reading instruction.
Neuroscientific Evidence
Advances in neuroscience have provided insights into how phonics instruction affects the brain. Functional MRI studies show that phonics instruction activates specific brain areas associated with reading and language processing, leading to improved reading skills.
Practical Strategies for Effective Phonics Instruction
To maximize the effectiveness of phonics instruction, educators should incorporate evidence-based strategies into their teaching practices. Here are some practical tips:
Explicit and Systematic Instruction
Provide explicit, systematic instruction in phonics. This involves teaching letter-sound relationships in a planned, sequential order, ensuring that children learn the necessary skills to decode words effectively.
Multisensory Techniques
Use multisensory techniques to engage children and reinforce learning. This can include activities that involve visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements, such as using letter tiles, writing in sand, or tracing letters.
Integrate Phonics with Reading and Writing
Integrate phonics instruction with reading and writing activities. This helps children see the practical application of phonics skills and reinforces their learning. For example, incorporate phonics practice into guided reading sessions and writing exercises.
Differentiate Instruction
Differentiate phonics instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners. Provide additional support and practice for struggling readers, and challenge advanced readers with more complex phonics tasks.
Frequent Practice and Review
Provide frequent practice and review of phonics skills to ensure mastery. Repetition and reinforcement help solidify children’s understanding and improve their ability to apply phonics skills in reading and writing.
Use of Technology
Incorporate technology to enhance phonics instruction. Educational software, apps, and online resources can provide interactive and engaging phonics practice for children.
Case Study: Effective Phonics Instruction in Action
To illustrate the practical application of these strategies, let’s look at a case study from a first-grade classroom.
Classroom Context:
Ms. Garcia is a first-grade teacher who has implemented a comprehensive phonics program in her classroom. She uses a systematic and explicit approach to teach phonics, incorporating various multisensory activities and integrating phonics with reading and writing.
Daily Phonics Lessons: Ms. Garcia begins each day with a 20-minute phonics lesson, focusing on a specific letter-sound relationship. She uses visual aids, such as letter cards and charts, to introduce the new sound and model how to blend and segment words.
Multisensory Activities: During the lesson, Ms. Garcia incorporates multisensory activities, such as having students use letter tiles to build words, trace letters in sand, and practice writing words on whiteboards.
Guided Reading: Ms. Garcia integrates phonics instruction with guided reading sessions. She selects leveled books that reinforce the phonics skills being taught and provides opportunities for students to apply their phonics knowledge while reading.
Writing Practice: Students also engage in writing activities that reinforce phonics skills. For example, they might write sentences or short stories using words that include the targeted phonics patterns.
Differentiation: Ms. Garcia differentiates her instruction by providing additional support to struggling readers through small-group instruction and individualized practice. She also challenges advanced readers with more complex phonics tasks and reading materials.
Technology Integration: Ms. Garcia uses educational software and apps that provide interactive phonics practice. Students have access to these resources during literacy centers and independent work time.
By the end of the school year, Ms. Garcia’s students demonstrate significant improvement in their phonics skills. They can decode unfamiliar words with greater ease, read more fluently, and show better reading comprehension. Ms. Garcia’s systematic and engaging approach to phonics instruction has helped her students build a strong foundation for reading success.
Phonics instruction is a vital component of early reading development, as highlighted by the National Reading Panel and supported by ongoing research. It provides the foundational skills necessary for decoding, word recognition, spelling, and reading comprehension. Effective phonics instruction, delivered through explicit, systematic, and engaging methods, can significantly improve children’s reading outcomes.
Educators play a crucial role in providing effective phonics instruction. By incorporating evidence-based strategies and differentiating instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners, they can help ensure that all children develop the skills necessary for reading success. As research continues to evolve, the importance of phonics instruction remains clear, underscoring its role as a cornerstone of literacy education.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction. U.S. Government Printing Office.
Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S. R., Willows, D. M., Schuster, B. V., Yaghoub-Zadeh, Z., & Shanahan, T. (2001). Phonics instruction helps children learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's meta-analysis. Reading Research Quarterly, 36(3), 250-287.
Bowers, J. S. (2020). Reconsidering the evidence that systematic phonics is more effective than alternative methods of reading instruction. Educational Psychology Review, 32(3), 681-705.
Castles, A., Rastle, K., & Nation, K. (2018). Ending the reading wars: Reading acquisition from novice to expert. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19(1), 5-51.
Kilpatrick, D. A. (2015). Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties. Wiley.
What I use to help me make Data Driven Decisions
I was wrapping up my post-observation meeting with my principal and data came up. He asked, “How did I come to the decision to teach what I did?”
So, I pulled out a copy of my Assessment Data Analysis. I love LOVE using this form. {Catch the video to see how I fill it out and grab your own copy.}
The cool thing about this form is the power, control, and guidance it gives you over your data. It is also open-ended enough to use any pre-assessment you want. Well, within reason.
The data I used was from my Orton-Gillingham groups, their most recent pre-test from my Phonics Progress Monitoring. I assessed them using the Short Vowel Mixed Digraphs.
This Phonogram Progress Monitoring can be used as a Pre and Post assessment.- Teacher Evaluations
- RTI/MTSS Body of Evidence
- Monitoring Progress of Intervention groups
- Mirco IEP Goal Progress
Assessment Data Analysis
This Data Analysis is perfect for RTI/MTSS interventions and Special Education groups or if you have to provide data as part of the teacher evaluation–like me. Bonus administrators love it as you have your thinking right there on paper.
I use this ALL the time. I keep it in each group's binder. This doesn't replace IEP goal progress monitoring but it gets me out of the weeds. I think most of us in Special Education we get caught up in the microdata a little too much and forget to come up for air.
This form allows me to see the group data from a balcony view. Just like my Phonic Progress Monitoring--I can break down where a student is struggling and differentiate my lesson to target more nonsense words or more sentence fluency work or more controlled contented text.
I love that I can catch any misconceptions right from the beginning and not later as I address vowel confusions.
This year part of my professional goal has been to find a way to track growth/mastery using Orton-Gillingham to make having grade-level skill carry-over conversations easier. I don't know about you but my classroom teachers they like to see the data before they make decisions. [I love this as this has been a HUGE RTI and intervention push!!]
I used my Phonics Progress Monitoring Tool.
A couple of important things about my Phonics Progress Monitoring tool
- Yes–I use an Orton-Gillingham scope & sequence to provide explicit phonics instruction to my student education goals but it’s TOTALLY OKAY if you don’t. It will still HELP you determine if students have mastered the phonics phonogram in question.
- It will work with ANY phonics scope and sequence--from Core to Special Education
- This product is bottomless and growing--grab your before it grows
How to Fill out the Assessment Data Analysis
This video will show you how I filled out the form using my Phonics Progress Monitoring Tool but it can be used with any assessment.
Pick an assessment that can be used as a pre-test or baseline and something that is short-lived. Like your next math unit on double-digit addition or subtraction, or next grammar unit or your next phonics unit. Unit quizzes work–just pull something towards the end of the unit or subject. This will help you establish a baseline on most if not all of the standard you will be teaching. (I try to keep mine to either a page or less than 10 questions.)
To use this form you don’t need to have multiple teachers using it.
Give the assessment and grade.
Establish and define Mastery. AKA: what’s that score that tells you the student’s “got it.” (Most of the time I go with 80% but it depends on the skill. For my phonics work, I establish mastery at 90%.) Write down whatever you decide. It will not change for this round.
Starting on the Pre-Assessment side: fill out the date, Unit and Standard(s), Length of the unit (I have found making this less than 5 days sets everyone up.), and Big Ideas.
Moving down the form: add teacher(s) name, the total number of students who took the assessment, the number and percent of students proficient and higher, and the number and percent of students not proficient.
The last three boxes will have student names. This is where you need to know your students and the material that is going to be taught.
First of the last three: write down the names of the student(s) who will likely be proficient by the end of the instructional time meaning those students who are close to proficient.
In the second to last box write the names of the student(s) likely to be proficient by the end of instructional time but who have far to go.
In the last box, write the names of students who will likely not be proficient by the end of the instructional time. These students will need extensive support.
Let me show you how I make this work with a group of students I provide explicit phonics instruction too.
Using this form to make data decisions will help you move your students. Remember: Data doesn't judge. It is what it is. Yes, even my data sucks but it is also a place to start. When I do progress monitoring, I always have someone who asks if it's a test. My answer is always the same. "No. It tells me what we need to work on. What do I need to do to help you."
This is one way to look at data. I'd love to hear how you look at your data.
Chat soon,
PS. Make sure to grab a FREE sample.
Phonics Progress Monitoring
Grab your FREE Digraphs Phonics Progress Monitoring Sample to explode your student's phonics growth.
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How I use games to increase students' phonics word level fluency
I sat with my grade level team, reviewing this month’s oral reading fluency data and they could not stop asking me how I moved my group.
In a word – games.
The team had decided to work on accuracy instead of words correct. (I’m not sure there is a great way to increase reading fluency but okay I’m in.) Sometimes starting small is way better than not starting at all and this group has never ventured into the world of using one's data for anything.
This year, grade-level teams are working with our Coach to create monthly data-based goals. We just started using Benchmark Advanced, so teams are looking at all the reading data and making a decision on a long and short-term plan. (For most of the teams I work with–this is the 1st time they have really looked at and done anything with their classroom data.)
This one, as much as I’m shaking my head, I can see a place where I can layer in additional fluency work at the word level with their students and not sacrifice fidelity.
Over the years, I have moved the oral reading fluency scores in a variety of ways. I have never found something that works with most of the students I support for reading. From repeated readings to focusing on specific words, nothing works for all the students in a group.
All my reading groups this year are OG. I live and breathe OG, which means there is a precise lesson plan and very little room to add “other” things. I’m not sure how many really get this. This year, teachers want me to fix everything.
I use Yoshimoto. I really love the flexibility it gives me. I dislike the amount of flexibility it gives me but I can lay out each group's scope and sequence and add my “others” as I need to. Mind you within reason.
Last year, I began working in very specific game days to target word-level fluency. These days tended to be on Fridays (aka Fun Friday). When a Game Tub in tow, students played Crocodile Dentist and Squeaky Squirrel.
Slowly, the sounding out loud stopped. The confidence in the learning target increased. Slowly, the syllable understanding increased. And then the accuracy scores changed. Then the big daddy of them all, the iReady Phonics scores started to move.
Now, was this all by adding game time to their practice do this. I have no way of knowing. But what I do know is that if students are engaged and motivated then everything falls into place.
Reflecting on this growth over the summer, led me to add phrases and sentences based on the skill being taught. You can find my game pieces in my store to begin building self-confidence, language skills, and word-level fluency in your students.
My students do have their favorites but I make a point to rotate them about every month.
The cool thing about all of the game pieces is that it is super easy to differentiate the cards depending on who is in the group and what each student needs to work on.
Nothing like being able to stack the deck. lol
ROAR–CVC, CCVC, CVCC is built using pictures to support the words from Smarty Symbols but you also get cards with no pictures.
You can play with just CVC or CVCC with and without pictures.
When I have a group working on Five and Six sounds. I pull out Melt. Then students can work on real and nonsense words. You can add easier words to build fluency or a couple of compound words to make it more interesting.
Click on any picture to check them out for yourself. Your students will love any of them.
What games do your students like to play?
Chat soon,
Feeling unsure about a student's phonics level? This new resource will instantly help
Have you ever sat in a meeting reviewing phonics data and someone asks if the student has mastered reading digraphs because the student doesn't demonstrate this in their small group?
Whether in an RTI meeting or just reviewing the data, this information helps plan the student's specific next steps.
If your phonics program is like mine--it didn't come with a quick way to progress monitor a student after you have taught a sound (phonogram). And sometimes you need more than dictation and how they read in the last decodable text.
You need more than a gut check BUT you need a number to prove what the student knows.
This Progress Monitoring Tools for Phonics solves this problem. It's quick and super easy to give after you have taught a sound. You can learn if students can read the phonogram at the word level (real & nonsense), sentence level, or in a paragraph with controlled text.
I use this Phonics Tool as a pre/post with mixed sounds. This has a very specific set of sounds such as all short, all R-controlled or all digraphs. Then I can teach the sounds in the pattern, reassess and have the data to prove if they have it or not.
The teacher's copy of the tool is colored-coded to make it super easy to score and make decisions about what to do next. This progress monitoring tool can be completed by teachers, para-professionals, or volunteers.
Each phonogram has its own page and you can find it again on a mixed pattern page. I have made the Phonics Progress Monitoring Tool paperless as well. It can be used with Google. The link is within the product.These sheets can be completed are perfect for small targeted groups and are a perfect addition to any Orton-Gillingham Practice or Phonics Intervention.
You can expect updates throughout the year including Vowel teams, Suffixes, -ng & -nk, and more!!
Grab your today before the price increases!
Chat Soon,
Have to Teach Phonics? How???
What order should phonics be taught?
What about my students who struggle with reading? What can I do?

What are Best Practices in Phonics Instruction?

Timing and Grouping
Phonics instruction provides the most benefit for young readers. The critical period for learning phonics extends from the time that the child begins to read (usually kindergarten) to approximately three years after. In studies, children receiving phonics instruction starting in kindergarten and continuing for two to three years after saw the greatest gains in learning and applying phonics to reading tasks.Phonic instruction for young readers can be offered in any grouping configuration. There was no notable difference in children receiving instruction one-on-one, in small groups or as a whole class. The most influential components were the age of the students and the instructional format.
Systematic Instruction
The best way to teach phonics is systematically. This means moving children through a planned sequence of skills rather than teaching particular aspects of phonics as they are encountered in texts. Systematic instruction can focus on synthetic phonics (decoding words by translating letters into sounds and then blending them), analytic phonics (identifying whole words then parsing out letter-sound connections), analogy phonics (using familiar parts of words to discover new words), phonics through spelling (using sound-letter connections to write words) and/or phonics in context (combining sound-letter connections with context clues to decode new words). Regardless of the specific method used what is most important in systematic instruction is that there is a deliberate and sequential focus on building and using the relationship between sounds and letter symbols to help readers decode new words.Modeling Followed by Independent Practice
Because the connection between letters and sounds is not readily apparent to new readers, modeling is an important aspect of phonics instruction. Both teachers and parents should model ways that a reader uses the sound-symbol relationship to decode unfamiliar words by reading and thinking aloud. The best texts for modeling are high interest or informational. These include (but are not limited to) nursery rhymes, songs, non-fiction books and poems with repetitive language.Once children have been exposed to adult modeling several times, they should be encouraged to practice applying phonics to their own reading. This independent practice helps young readers truly build the connection between symbols and sounds. Adults should guide children in strategically applying phonics to authentic reading and writing experiences to help them develop good decoding skills.
Literature-Based Instruction
For many years phonics was taught in isolation. Worksheets or textbook that asked them to decode and write lists of words is not the answer. Researchers discovered that young readers could not apply the decoding skills “learned” in isolation to real reading tasks such as reading a story or a book. It is now recommended that phonics be taught through literature. While this may seem contrary to the systematic approach to instruction, it is not. Teachers and parents should select pieces of age and developmentally appropriate literature that highlight the phonics skills focused on at particular points in the sequence of instruction. For example, if children are learning to identify the sound-letter connection in /b/ an appropriate piece of literature to teach and reinforce this skill would be one that uses alliteration (repetition of beginning sounds) of the /b/ sound. Plus it helps with skill transfer.
Individualized Approach
Because students come to kindergarten at a variety of different reading readiness levels, it is important that teachers assess where students are at and individualize their phonics instruction. One student may begin the year already knowing single letter sound-letter connections making her ready to work on blends. Another student may have very little phonemic awareness and exposure to print texts. Therefore teachers must tailor instruction to meet each student’s needs. This ensures they will continue to develop appropriate phonics skills.Home-School Connections

Phonic Basics for Parents with Website Links
What is phonics?
Why is phonics important?
When is phonics usually taught?
Phonics Flash Game: Match blends and diagraphs to images.
Phonics Flash Game: Match lower-case consonant letters to images.
Phonics Flash Game: Match cvc words with different medial vowels to pictures.
Phonics Flash Game: Match upper-case consonant letters to images.
Phonics Flash Game: Match lower-case consonant and vowel letters to images.

What are the Six Syllable Types?
Why teach syllables?
Closed syllables
Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe) syllables
Open syllables
Vowel team syllables
Vowel-r syllables
Consonant-le (C-le) syllables
Have a gerat week!

October Pinterest Linky Party

I love this pin because she thinks outside the box and has ideas that are not used every day in a classroom. This is great for a teacher that has tried everything and needs new ideas.
Have a great weekend!

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