Showing posts with label apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apps. Show all posts
December Show and Tell
December 20, 2016
I'll linking up with Forever in 5th grade for this months sneak peak into my resource room. Life in my room has been nuts since coming back from Fall break.
This year my big goal has been looking for ways to bring a little bit of tech into what we are doing. For the pieces I have added to the room I do most if not all of the work. This in most cases would not be a problem but with my teacher's rubric and the need for students to show what they have learned and apply it--this is a huge problem.
My break so far has been looking at different ways student can take these ideas and run with them.
In moving my Resource Room to paperless and student's taken on the creating and explaining of their work through Seesaw. Aurasma keeps coming up as something to engage students and help them create new thoughts. (For my teacher rubric I have to have evidence that student's create something new from their learning--it doesn't have to be digital.) I have a group of students close to grade level and want me to go away--they are not ready. I'm hoping I can create Aurasma ideas that will engage students and then something they could also use to create something to show their learning.
SAMR. What can one say, however app-smashing ideas. My students are very good at using apps-one at a time. When we come back from break-I'm going to show them how to use several at a time. I have done this but I have not showed them what they could do. I think this idea will move them to creating and not just remember what they have read.
My district is big on redefinition--this is seen in the teacher rubric to score highly effective I have to create opportunities for students to "Create and Evaluate" what they have learned.
I have two groups that are working on Non-Fiction Text Features. This will be the first Aurasma, I'm going to show my students. I've been working on how to do this because let's be honest I have no idea and if I'm going to share and have them do the same I better figure it out. Crossing my fingers it works! More coming on this soon.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This year my big goal has been looking for ways to bring a little bit of tech into what we are doing. For the pieces I have added to the room I do most if not all of the work. This in most cases would not be a problem but with my teacher's rubric and the need for students to show what they have learned and apply it--this is a huge problem.
My break so far has been looking at different ways student can take these ideas and run with them.
For the record I do everything in google. I put student work in Drive. I take the photos and upload the work. To be fair this is because I don't have local control of the iPads in my room. Yes, I know but I have had to create work arounds for everything we do. I came across Seesaw and was impressed with the idea that it is student and time friendly. I only have my groups for about 30 minutes. This means I either need to do it when I have a 2 minutes or they need to do the up-loading and creating within that 30 minutes. I love the app options that can be uploaded into the platform. My hope is this is REALLY student friendly and will become a place students can create and show off their app-smashing.
SAMR. What can one say, however app-smashing ideas. My students are very good at using apps-one at a time. When we come back from break-I'm going to show them how to use several at a time. I have done this but I have not showed them what they could do. I think this idea will move them to creating and not just remember what they have read.
My district is big on redefinition--this is seen in the teacher rubric to score highly effective I have to create opportunities for students to "Create and Evaluate" what they have learned.
I have two groups that are working on Non-Fiction Text Features. This will be the first Aurasma, I'm going to show my students. I've been working on how to do this because let's be honest I have no idea and if I'm going to share and have them do the same I better figure it out. Crossing my fingers it works! More coming on this soon.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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