Paperwork Overload and Something to Help

I can't see the bottom of my desk right now. I'm knee deep in all the end of the year paperwork while finishing a couple of IEPs. However, each May before I leave, I go through all my IEP files to make sure that they are up to date. This is a daunting task since I want to keep everything.  My district doesn't give a lot of direction on what needs to be kept because as long as the IEP is document is in the system. But, but, but what about your own copies? The data, progress monitoring, and the testing protocols. With the help of a former exceptional needs teacher, I create a Exceptional Needs Student Records form and both parents and teacher could use to track what information you have for each student folder. How do you organize your personal student records after each IEP meeting?
Exceptional Needs Student Records

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know all Sped Teachers go through the organization stress. I keep everything. I have a separate folder for communication. I love to have a hard copy of everything. I blogged about my organization the other day.

    That's what my folders look like.

    Have a Great Night
    Special Teaching in the Middle


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