Self Determination--Part 2

Getting students to ask for help is always a challenge. For the last three weeks, a group of 6th grade students have been working on asking of help to build their self advocacy skill set. I was surprised by the number of self-determination video clips, that I found on You Tube. I found three that would best illustrate self-determine to a group of 6th students with learning disabilities.

Using the videos to continue to build their background knowledge, they were able to create a 5-point scale of how they feel when they have to ask for help. I got the idea from "The Incredible 5-point Scale" by: Kari Dunn Buron.
I have used her voice scale with wonderful results.  Everyone created their own High-Low Scale with emotion icons. Then we created a group on, that I have posted in their homerooms as well as my room. Since their are no names attached to it, no one else in the class is aware of who it's for.

The High-Low Scale has helped students identify their feelings around asked for help. One reported that she felt better, now she better understood herself. She was able to work through why she didn't want to ask for help and begun asking for help when she's stuck instead for waiting to see me later and ask me then. I'm so excited that its already helped one student. I'm hoping that as they spend more time with the scale, that I'll see an increase in them asking for help from their classroom teachers.

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