March Pinterest Pick 3
March 03, 2016
Happy March! 3 weeks to a 2 week Spring Break. But between now and then only parent-teacher conferences and crazy Colorado weather!
Progress reports aren't going home until May. My teach has been working on ideas to increase our parent communication through the year without adding to the work load. This month that's what I'm sharing with you. Some free ideas that are easy to do.

Progress reports aren't going home until May. My teach has been working on ideas to increase our parent communication through the year without adding to the work load. This month that's what I'm sharing with you. Some free ideas that are easy to do.
Newsletters are easy and can be a once a month blast to parents to say the goings on in the department. I have used them in the past and the hard part is the content but once it's done it was easy to reuse from year to year. Newsletters also make it easy to share other important ideas with parents like reading strategies or other strategies parents are use at home.
I love the idea of using technology to make my life easier. From this list I'm trying Boomerang with my school gmail account. Its made writing easier the night before or making sure I send emails to parents about progress or what we are you to. Because students come and go the other ideas here don't really work of me. I do work with teachers that have found great success with Class Dojo and parents love having that feedback.
I LOVE Google. It makes my life as a teacher so easy to communication and collaborate with them with behaviors or just daily work on goals. The ideas here have helped me think outside the box on how I could use the same ideas with parents.
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Some of those parent communication tools were new to me....need to check them out! Thanks for linking up and sharing such great pins!