Using Formative Assessment to Monitor Progress
June 22, 2012
Have you every asked: "Are there any questions?", "Are you all with me?", "Am I going to fast?.
We are all guilty about checking for students understanding this way. These are not ways to check for student understanding. Checking for understanding means that students are able to use knowledge and skills in new situations in the correct way. While recall important information is important it's the same as memorizing the information.
Progress monitoring helps you to know if students are on track to make goals. I know because of the way I have set up my progress monitoring, it takes me a day to get through everyone. Formative assessment is another way to collect data about the connections students are making, about the levels of thinks they are doing, and about the clues they are picking up from my teaching about what is important. Formative assessment is about giving students growth producing feedback and have the opportunity to make adjustments to their work based on that feedback before the end of the unit.
One way that's quick and I can look at latter are Exit Slips. Exit Slips are written responses to questions the teacher poses at the end of a lesson or a class to assess student understanding of key concepts. They should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and are taken up as students leave the classroom. I can quickly determine which students have it, which ones need a little help, and which ones are going to require much more instruction on the concept. By assessing the responses on the Exit Slips I can better adjust the instruction in order to accomodate students' needs for the next class.
My favorite is 3-2-1 (Three things I learned, Two things I found interesting, and One question I still have). I have created these forms I just hand them to students to fill out before they leave but you could also create an anchor chart and they use their own paper for it. I also use mine to have students rate their focus and effort. With this check in I can change what I'm doing without having to take a day to progress monitor my students. Plus, its quick and doesn't take any extra time for them to do. I can use the data I collect to monitor progress and behavior.
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I love your exit slips! I will definitely remember this idea.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy. My students miss them when I forget and say something!!
ReplyDeleteI love the 3-2-1. I use it quite a bit and sometimes change up what I have them do...3 questions, 2 new words, etc...Just to make it different. It's a great way to see what they students learned. I'm your're newest follower. I'd love for you to dorop by my blog some time.