Happy Friday--Progress Monitoring

Last Friday, I explained the basics behind progress monitoring. I want to share one way I have found to keep both me and my students focused that's by using SMART goals. 

S: Specific, Significant, & SimpleGoals need to be specific. To set a specific goal set a well defined goal. 

M: Measurable & Manageable: Goals need to be measurable. How will you measure your success? 
A: Attainable & AppropriateGoals need to be attainable. Be ambitious. Don’t settle for average results.R: Relevant, Results-focused, & Results-oriented: Goals need to be relevant and results oriented. Is the goal relevant to your career, business or personal goals? Be honest in the evaluation of yourself.
T: Time-bound: Goals need to have a time-frame. Make sure to consider the time it will take you to complete your goal by setting a time-frame and timeline to complete the goal. Be wise and give yourself enough time to complete the goal.
My students set their own SMART goals. I give them the structure and they have to come up with the goal and how long they think it will take them to make it. I try to encourage them to make is attainable but if they shoot high and miss--we work through that. They get better at the more they do them. I usually try to keep them to no longer than 6 week goals or they get lost in the shuffle. Goals are tied to the intervention they are working on with me and students only get one goal per period. Since all intervention and exceptional needs students have goals in our online student intervention database, the goals match this as well. I try to keep everything aligned because I want the students to do the data collection. 
I always do the timed piece of the students goal but they are  responsible for graphing, tracking, and reflection. If they have to make predictions before hand they take care of that too. I have done this many different ways over the years since I work primarily in small groups I tend to take one day a week and do all  my progress monitoring at once. This ensures that I don't miss anyone and it gives students enough time to take care of their SMART goals.  Student SMART goals are placed in their binders on a blank sheet of paper, so I get type them out and the student tapes them down. An example is: By (DATE), (STUDENT NAME) will increase the number of words read correctly by (STUDENT SETS GOAL) a week as measured by grade level oral reading fluency drill. At the end of the monitoring period, everything comes out and we see if they made it. The form below help keep students on track every week. They have their graphs to help them determine how much they need to improve by each week. This forms are for oral reading fluency. One is Intermediate and the other is primary. They are in a student friendly goal making format. Students turn them then weekly with their graphs, so I can share the information with teachers and parents. How do you share students progress monitoring data with parents?
Intermediate Fluency Smart Goal Primary Fluency Smart Goal


  1. Love this goal sheet, I wish I could see it a little clearer, scribed said it was locked so it was unavailable to download to see closely. I agree with holding the student accountable.

  2. Try it know. It should work for you to download.

  3. I tried to download this sheet and it just kept freezing my computer :( It looks wonderful though!

  4. Stephanie leave me your email address and I'll send it to you. Sorry, your having problems downloading it.

  5. I love this! I will totally be able to use this in my 2nd grade class---It goes right along with CCI. :)

    2nd Grade Ponderings

  6. Ms. Whiteley... THANK YOU for the offer BUT surprise surprise I came back and now I was able to download the file... Thank you for this great resource!


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